Container Options

Every participating household will receive a 96-gallon recycling tote at no charge. Each household will need to choose the trash container that best fits their family needs. Each household may also opt to participate in the Green Waste Composting program.

Trash Container Options

There are three different sizes to choose from along with an optional “Super Saver” plan for heavy recyclers and composters.

Container SizeCost
32-gallon trash container $6.86* per month (two 13 gallon bags)
64-gallon trash container $11.54* per month (two 32 gallon totes, or four 13 gallon bags)
96-gallon trash container $17.65* per month (three 32 gallon toes, or seven 13gallon bags)
Super Saver Plan $5.68* per month (32 gallon trash, every other week)
Extra 96-gallon trash container $8.35 per month

*Rates include City of Golden administrative fee.

Right-Sizing for Your Household

Below are some general guidelines for determining your trash container size. Use the bag quantity comparison from the table below to determine the container size your household may need. Tall kitchen bags are 13-gallon bags. Keep in mind the volumes from your garage, yard and other household areas. You may find that the PAYT Program allows for more recycling. Be sure to review the list of recyclables that are collected in your recycle tote, as well as the Green Waste Program to evaluate how these may impact your  trash volume.

Container Volumes:

96-gallon tote holds approximately 7-8 tall kitchen bags
64 gallon tote holds approximately 4-5 tall kitchen bags
32 gallon tote holds approximately 2-3 tall kitchen bags 

# of Kitchen Bags of Trash per WeekNot a Recycler or ComposterRecycler, but no CompostingRecycler and Composter
1 bag or less 32-gallon 32-gallon Super Saver + Green Waste
4-5 bags 96-gallon 64-gallon 64-gallon + Green Waste
6-8 bags 96-gallon 96-gallon 64-gallon + Green Waste
8+ bags 96-gallon + Additional 96-gallon 96-gallon 96-gallon + Green Waste

Recycle & Green Waste Calendar

Pay as you Throw

To sign up for PAYT services, please complete this form and email to